Audiometric testing requirements
This page provides information on frequently asked questions relating to audiometric testing requirements.
Building quiet
There may be times when you will need to use your skills to construct an acoustic enclosure or screen, soundproof a room or fabricate acoustic ductwork.
Buying quiet
One of the most cost-effective ways of reducing noise in a workplace is to 'buy quiet'. Purchasing quiet products can reduce noise levels without additional…
Noise in agriculture
Noise from agricultural tools and machinery can cause permanent hearing loss and tinnitus. Repeated exposure to noise will lead to permanent damage.
Noise in the music entertainment industry
Loud music can damage your hearing. Every time you leave a music venue with ringing in your ears, it’s a sign that some hearing damage has occurred.
Noise management in call centres
Acoustic incidents happen when workers are exposed to a sudden loud noise through a headset. This can startle workers and possibly cause pain in the ear…
Noise management in the construction industry
Construction workers are among the most affected by industrial deafness. Safe Work Australia research shows that the construction industry is the third…
Noise can damage your hearing if it’s too loud. It can also put you at risk by affecting your concentration or making it hard to hear the sounds you need to…
Ototoxic chemicals - chemicals that result in hearing loss
Ototoxic chemicals are chemicals that result in hearing loss