Inspection program in scientific testing workplaces has encouraging results

Last updated: 28 October 2024

A proactive inspection program undertaken by WorkSafe to look at safety in workplaces where scientific testing takes place has returned encouraging results for the sector.

The program involved WorkSafe inspectors visiting workplaces in Perth and regional areas of the State where non-destructive scientific testing including radiographic, ultrasonic, magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, electromagnetic and visual testing is carried out.

WorkSafe Acting Director Eve Speyers said today the scientific testing sector had been identified as having seen a noticeable increase in lost-time injuries classified as severe.

“Workers in scientific testing facilities are frequently required to handle heavy samples or to move heavy testing equipment when they are out in the field,” Ms Speyers said.

“Injuries associated with manual tasks frequently last some time, and can keep workers off work for 60 days or more.

“Improvement notices were issued during this inspection program related to a lack of risk assessment for manual tasks, so awareness could be improved. But overall, the results of this program were encouraging.”

Inspectors visited a total of 20 workplaces as part of the program, resulting in the issue of 112 improvement notices and 17 verbal directions.

The largest number of notices issued – 21 notices - related to mobile plant and vehicle movement in the workplace (load charts for plant and operators’ manuals), and 20 notices related to hazardous substances (registers and training records).

During this inspection program, inspectors concentrated on priority areas including manual tasks, hazardous substances, electricity, guarding of plant and slips, trips and falls.

In addition, they also looked at issues related to air compressors, personal protective equipment, noise, emergency procedures and working alone and/or remotely.

“This inspection program found that awareness was generally good in the larger organisations due to support from their own safety professionals and internal client audits,” Ms Speyers said.

“However, the smaller operators needed some guidance to manage potential hazards, for example manual task hazards, and raise awareness of the risks associated with particular tasks in the industry.

“Consequently, we will continue to monitor compliance in this sector by conducting follow-up inspections and maintaining contact with stakeholders in the industry.

“Our aim is to ensure that awareness of workplace safety issues stays high, as we believe this is the best way in which to lessen the risk of work-related injury and illness.”

Further information on workplace safety and health can be obtained by telephoning WorkSafe on 1300 307877 or on the website at

Media Contact: Caroline De Vaney 6251 2363 or 0408 927563 (media enquiries only)

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