WorkSafe inspectors will be visiting crane businesses and operators to audit registered mobile cranes. Initial visits have revealed that some owners and operators are not conducting major inspections of their cranes.
A major inspection must be carried out by a competent person, and requires:
- an examination of all critical components of the crane, if necessary by stripping down the crane and removing paint, grease and corrosion to allow a thorough examination of each critical component, and
- a check of the effective and safe operation of the crane.
Further information about these requirements can be found in the Information sheet: Focus on compliance - Major inspection requirements for registered mobile cranes and tower cranes.
WorkSafe will be working with industry groups to promote safety awareness and the need to comply with the work health and safety legislation.
This safety initiative will continue until the end of the 2022/23 financial year, and will cover cranes in metropolitan and regional areas.
WorkSafe is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all workers in Western Australia, and we appreciate your support and cooperation.