Changes to status reporting requirements under WHS

Last updated: 25 November 2024

The Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 (WHS Mines Regulations) require the mine operator to give the regulator a work health and safety report each quarter; this replaces the monthly status report forms (MSRF) that were previously submitted to the Department.

The quarterly report is to contain the information as specified in Schedule 25 of the WHS Mines Regulations and is required to be submitted to the regulator via the Safety Regulation System (SRS) no later than 15 days after the end of the quarter to which the report relates. The first quarterly status report to be submitted will cover the three-month period from 1 April 2022 to 30 June 2022, and is due by 15 July 2022. 

By 30 June 2022 SRS will be updated to ensure that it complies with these requirements, and relevant label changes e.g. ‘Monthly Status’ changed to ‘Status Report’ have been made across SRS. 

Users will notice changes when lodging a ‘new’ Status Report, including being prompted to make a selection between the following two options:

  1. MSIA notification or incident up to 30 March 2022; or 
  2. WHS notification or incident on or after 31 March 2022. 

Selecting option two will allow users to submit the new quarterly status report as required under the WHS Mines Regulations. Selecting the first option will allow for the submission of any outstanding MSRFs as were required prior to WHS commencement. 

The following is a summary of the changes made to SRS and the information required to be provided in the Status Report as per Schedule 25 of the WHS Mines Regulations.

  1. Reporting Details
    Reporting Period now displays as a quarter e.g. April – June 2022.
    Company Details has an extra field for ‘Commodity Processed’. This is a free text field and is mandatory.
  2. Employment Status
    With regards to contractors, the average number of contractor workers and total contractor hours worked should be provided for all contracting companies together. Please note these figures are to cover the three months reporting period. 
    The status report does not require the top five contractors to be listed. 
  3. Incidents and Injuries/Illness
    This section is new and is specified information required to be reported as per Schedule 25 of the WHS Mines Regulations. Please note, all fields are mandatory and must use a whole number only.

Further information

If you have any questions regarding the status report, or wish to discuss the changes, please contact us by email on or by phone on 9358 8001 (option 3).

Yours faithfully,   

SRS Manager
Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
303 Sevenoaks Street Cannington WA 6107
Tel: +61 8 9358 8001 (option 3) 

Changes to status reporting requirements under WHS

Download a copy  of the Changes to status reporting requirements under WHS
