Employers should identify the hazards facing workers working alone, assess the risks and implement appropriate controls. Employers should also provide adequate information, instruction and training for people who work alone. Some questions which should be considered include:
- Does the worker understand what is meant by 'isolated worker'?
- Has the employer considered the competencies and characteristics of the person who is to work alone?
- Is there a means of communication available which will enable the worker to call for help in the event of an emergency?
- Is there a procedure for regular contact to be made with the worker?
- Is the worker trained in the procedure for regular contact with the employer?
- Does the employer possess a copy of the guidance note for working alone and the checklist Isolated employees - Commercial vehicle drivers?
- Generally, what are the responsibilities of workers who work alone?
Workers who work alone should take reasonable care to ensure their own safety and health at work. This includes complying with safety and health instructions given by the employer.