General industry health and safety statistics

Last updated: 22 November 2024

This section contains health and safety statistics for general industries.


Worst hazards in Western Australian workplaces: Report 2012-13 to 2021-22
WorkSafe has identified the worst hazards in Western Australia’s workplaces by examining work-related traumatic injury fatalities and workers’ compensation claims with shared mechanisms of injury and breakdown agency of injury. The mechanism of injury identifies the action, exposure or event that resulted in injury or disease. The breakdown agency of injury identifies the object, substance or circumstance that led to the injury or disease.

State of the Work Environment: Work-related fatalities in Western Australia, 2011-12 to 2020-21 
The State of the Work Environment (SOWE) series is produced to promote awareness of workplace health and safety in Western Australia. This report mainly focuses on work-related traumatic injury fatalities occurring in Western Australia in the last decade.

The data used to produce this report differs from reports on lost time injuries and diseases.  The definition and identification of work–related fatalities requires case-by-case assessment of the work being performed, and the circumstances of the fatal event. Fatal injuries or diseases leading to death for Commonwealth Government workers, workers covered by Comcare and defence personnel are not included in this data. 

Agricultural industry fatality report (June 2023)
Work-related traumatic injury fatality for the agricultural industry using information derived by the Department. 

Health and safety snapshots

  • Dust strategy 2023-24
    WorkSafe’s Dust strategy 2023-24 is driving improvements in the management of hazardous dusts to protect workers from harm. It forms part of Priority Three - Respiratory hazards within the WorkSafe: The way forward strategic plan. This snapshot of the Dust strategy outlines our recent activities and initiatives from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.
  • Asbestos 2022-23
    This health and safety snapshot provides information on asbestos removal and WorkSafe’s activities and strategies covering the number of changes to legislation involving asbestos removal.
