Introduction - safety for small business

Last updated: 26 November 2024

It is easy to believe that incidents at work are unusual.  Serious incidents are the sort of things that 'never happen to you or in your workplace', however, unpredicted things can happen. A few measures or basic procedures can prevent an injury or fatality from occurring at your workplace.

Safety facts:

  • In Western Australia (WA), around two people are injured per hour seriously enough to take one or more days/shifts off work. This means around 51 injuries/diseases occurred per day during 2012-13.
  • An average of 4,241 people are hurt each year to the extent that they require 60 or more days off work.
  • The average number of days lost for severe lost time injuries and diseases in 2011-12 was 267 days.
  • On average one person is killed in WA as a result of a traumatic work related incident every 22 days.
  • 16 traumatic work-related fatalities were recorded in WA during 2013-14.
