Introduction to WorkSafe: The way forward

Last updated: 26 November 2024

WorkSafe: The way forward is a high-level three-year rolling strategy to guide WorkSafe’s efforts to influence the industry to reduce work-related fatalities, injuries and illnesses, going beyond day-to-day regulatory activities. The way forward will be implemented during the 2023-24 to 2025-26 financial years.

This plan aligns with Safe Work Australia’s Australian work health and safety strategy 2023–2033. Safe Work Australia’s strategy outlines a national vision for work health and safety (WHS) – Safe and healthy work for all and sets the platform for delivering on key WHS improvements.


WorkSafe: The way forward describes the goals, priority areas and measures of success for health and safety actions undertaken by WorkSafe.

It provides an overview of the regulator’s commitments so workplaces can better understand the desired outcomes, measures and achievements and why focus areas are targeted. It should also contribute to the work and understanding of all in the WHS system including researchers, experts and practitioners who play a role in owning, contributing to and realising the vision.

Progress on commitments will be reported annually.

WorkSafe: The way forward 2023-24 to 2025-26

Download a copy of the strategy
