Mutual recognition for certificates of competency

Last updated: 26 November 2024

Holders of the following mining certificates of competency issued in another Australian State or Territory or New Zealand may be eligible to apply for mutual recognition of those certificates in Western Australia.

  • Certificate of competency to manage a quarry (coal and non-coal operations)
  • Certificate of competency to manage an underground mine (non-coal operations)
  • Certificate of competency to be appointed as an underground supervisor
  • Certificate of competency to be appointed a mine surveyor (surface and/or underground mine). 


To be eligible to have a certificate mutually recognised, the person must:

  • not be the subject of disciplinary action, or any investigation that might lead to disciplinary action in a State or Territory of Australia or New Zealand
  • not have held a cancelled or suspended certificate as a result of disciplinary action in a State or Territory of Australia or New Zealand
  • not be the subject to any special conditions in carrying on that occupation, as a result of criminal, civil or disciplinary action in a State or Territory of Australia or New Zealand
  • not be prohibited from carrying on any such certificated activity in a State or Territory of Australia or New Zealand.

Applicants are eligible to perform the duties of the occupation on lodgement of the application and do not need to wait for a certificate to be issued.  Deficient or non-compliant applications will be returned, and eligibility to perform the duties of the occupation will no longer apply.

Required information

Applications for mutual recognition of certificates of competency must be accompanied by a copy of the certificate showing certificate name, certificate number and issue date.

Application and lodgement

Applications for mutual recognition of Australia or Trans-Tasman occupations in Western Australia must be lodged online.

Lodge your application
