A notifiable incident is the death of a person, a serious injury or illness of a person or a dangerous incident that occurs due to business or workplace activities.

Notifiable incidents may relate to any person who is a worker, contractor, visitor, member of the public or volunteer.

The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 introduced the term ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’ (PCBU). This term broadens the traditional definition of an ‘employer’.

Examples of a PCBU include a self-employed mechanic, a partner in an accounting firm, and a company running a childcare business.

PCBUs have a duty to notify the regulator immediately upon becoming aware of a notifiable incident.

Learn more about incident notification.

An incident should first be assessed to determine whether it is a ‘notifiable incident.’ If it is not, the incident should then be assessed to determine if it is a ‘notifiable occurrence’.
