Crystalline silica substances regulations: Information sheet

Last updated: 20 December 2024

Amendments to the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 (WHS General Regulations) commenced operation 1 September 2024. Additional requirements are now in place for processing ‘crystalline silica substances’ (CSS), particularly if the work is considered ‘high risk’. 

What is a crystalline silica substance?

A crystalline silica substance is any material containing at least 1 per cent crystalline silica (by weight). Examples of these include:

  • natural stone products including marble or granite benchtops
  • engineered stone and sintered stone
  • porcelain and ceramic products
  • sandstone
  • asphalt, cement products, mortar and grout
  • bricks, blocks, pavers and tiles
  • mortar concrete and cement-based products, fibre-cement sheeting and autoclavedaerated concrete
  • rocks, sands and clays
  • composite dental fillings.

The amount of crystalline silica in a product or substance can be confirmed by referring to the product’s safety data sheet, or other information sources such as technical data sheets or analytical reports.

What activities are considered ‘processing’ of CSS?

Activities that are considered as processing of CSS include:

  • using power tools or mechanical plant for crushing, cutting, grinding, trimming, sanding, abrasive polishing or drilling of a CSS
  • using roadheaders on CSS material
  • quarrying CSS material
  • tunnelling CSS material
  • mechanical screening CSS material
  • any process that exposes, or is reasonably likely to expose, a person to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) during manufacture or handling of a CSS (e.g. cleaning and maintenance processes, such as sweeping or emptying a vacuum cleaner).

Resources and guidance
