The purpose of this Safety Alert is to remind workplaces of the importance of conducting regular service and inspections for vehicle hoists.
WorkSafe Western Australia has been inspecting workplaces with vehicle hoists since a fatality in 2012. During the inspections of workplaces with vehicle hoists, WorkSafe inspectors took enforcement action by issuing improvement notices in relation to the service and maintenance of vehicle hoists – the improvement notices issued were in relation to lack of pre-start checks, regular inspections and servicing records.
Action required
- Vehicle hoists must be inspected before use each day by the operator.
- Hoists must be regularly maintained by a competent person, as per AS/NZS 2550.9:1996 and manufacturer’s instructions.
- Inspection and maintenance records must be kept (ie. logbook).
- Parts used to repair hoists must be to the manufacturer’s specifications.
- Repairs to a hoist must be conducted by competent persons and records retained.
- Employees required to operate hoists are to be provided with adequate and appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision necessary for safe operation of the particular hoists.
Further information
- AS/NZS 2550.9:1996 Cranes – Safe use – Part 9 Vehicle hoists
- AS/NZS 1418.9 Cranes (including hoists and winches) Part 9 Vehicle hoists
- WorkSafe’s website or by contacting customer service on 1300 307 877 or email
- Vehicle hoist manufacturers.
- Vehicle hoist operation and safety manuals