Reports and guidance materials including inquiries into sexual harassment that can assist in keeping workplaces free from violence, harassment, discrimination and disrespect.
- 'Enough is Enough' - Sexual harassment against women in the FIFO mining industry: Report
- How tough are we now? Report for WorkSafe Mines Safety
Interpretive guidelines
- Incident notification
This guideline provides an overview on mandatory reporting requirements for incidents that must be notified to the regulator under Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation.
Codes of practice
- Violence and aggression at work: Code of practice
The code of practice focuses on the general principles applied to the prevention and management of violence and aggression in the workplace. The intent of this code is to provide practical guidance for workplaces where people may be exposed to various forms of violence and aggression at work, including physical assault, sexual assault, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation and harassment, including sexual harassment. - Workplace behaviour: Code of practice
It provides practical guidance on the processes a PCBU could use to identify and manage inappropriate or unreasonable behaviour at work. - Psychosocial hazards in the workplace: Code of practice
Provides practical guidance on the processes a PCBU could use to identify and manage psychosocial hazards at work. - Mentally healthy workplaces for fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workers in the resources and construction sectors: Code of practice
This code of practice provides guidance on creating and maintaining a mentally healthy workplace for workplaces in Western Australia that utilise fly-in fly-out (FIFO) work arrangements.
- Use of confidentiality clauses in the resolution of workplace sexual harassment complaints
These guidance materials can assist an affected person, as well as PCBUs, respondents, employer organisations, unions, legal practitioners, mediators, insurers and anyone else involved in the process of resolving a workplace sexual harassment complaint.
Sexual harassment evaluation for mine workers
The Sexual harassment evaluation for mine workers tool asks victim appropriate and sensitive questions that will direct individuals to agencies such as WorkSafe, mental health services, Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC), Fairwork, Western Australian Police, WorkCover and legal institutions, based on urgency and circumstance.
It consists of a short questionnaire, where the selected answers guide the person towards the most appropriate resources for their circumstances. Using the persons answers the tool filters out unnecessary resources, and individuals are able to self-guide themselves towards the most relevant information. The person is directed to the most relevant agencies in Western Australia, and seamlessly connects them with applicable information about support, legal rights and reporting.
Within the tool there is information which helps users to understand the appropriate resources available, the responsibilities and scope of all relevant stakeholders involved in a report of sexual harassment originating from the mining sector.
The tool is designed to reduce secondary victimisation and minimises the person repeating their traumatic experience multiple times to multiple agencies. The questions are trauma informed and are designed to be specific enough to correctly identify the relevant issue and agency, whilst being general enough not to prompt sensitive and potentially re-traumatising information from the affected person.
Access the Sexual harassment evaluation for mine worker tool
Information sheets
- Gendered violence: Notification of sexual harassment and/or assault to WorkSafe Mines Safety
This information sheet is intended to assist persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) to respond to incidents of mine site gendered violence. - Gendered violence: Sexual assault
This information sheet is intended to assist persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) to prevent and respond to incidents of workplace gendered violence. - Gendered violence: Sexual harassment
This information sheet is intended to assist persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) to prevent and respond to incidents of workplace gendered violence.
- Guidance for individuals when making a complaint about gendered violence
This guidance is designed to provide you with information about the complaint-making process, and access to resources if you have experienced or been affected by such incidents. - Information for bystanders of sexual harassment
This information sheet for bystanders of sexual harassment is aimed at empowering bystanders by clearly identifying, as a call to action, appropriate and useful reporting contacts they may use. - Sexual harassment at work
This information sheet is intended to provide information and support, and steps to take if a worker has been sexually harassed or bystander witnessing sexual harassment at work.
- How to take action as a bystander witnessing sexual harassment
Information on the steps to take as a bystander witnessing sexual harassment.
- Think psychological
Learn about DMIRS' Triage function and how the Triage team are working to ensure a more effective and consistent process for prioritising and managing incoming reports. - Incident notification
Focuses on the risk based management of psychosocial hazards. - Gendered violence and mental health: Reporting
This video outlines the expectations of WorkSafe Mines Safety in the reporting of all gendered violence and psychosocial harm incidents reporting.