Australian Standards

Australian Standards and Australian/New Zealand Standards (Australian Standards) are developed by an independent organisation called Standards Australia. It prepares and publishes voluntary technical and commercial standards which are sometimes adopted by work health and safety regulations. 

Australian Standards set out specifications and design procedures to ensure products and services consistently perform safely, reliably, and the way they're intended to. Conforming to Australian Standards is mandatory where laws require this.

Licensed asbestos assessor list

WorkSafe recommends you make your own enquiries about the standard of work conducted by all service providers, including licensed asbestos assessors. While those listed are licensed with either WorkSafe WA or the equivalent regulator in another state or territory at the time of publishing, WorkSafe does not provide a service guarantee. This list is provided as a customer service, based on contact information provided by the licence holders and is correct at the date of publication.


Workplace health and safety is everybody’s business. Every person who goes to work deserves to come home healthy and safe. We encourage you to listen to the podcasts and share the health and safety knowledge with others in your workplace.

Our podcast series cover a wide range of topics such as asbestos safety, psychosocial hazards, silicosis, consultation and agriculture.

Listen to our podcast using any of the platforms from the list below, or search 'WorkSafe WA' on your favourite music streaming service.

Person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU)

A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) is the term given to a person conducting a business or undertaking, alone or with others, whether for not for profit or gain.

A PCBU can be:

  • a sole trader (e.g. a self-employed person)
  • each partner within a partnership
  • a company
  • an unincorporated association
  • a government department of a public authority (including a municipal council).

You are not considered a PCBU if you are: