Restricted quarry manager’s (non-explosives) certificate
A person is eligible for a restricted quarry manager’s (non-explosives) (RQMNE) certificate if they can demonstrate evidence of:
A person is eligible for a restricted quarry manager’s (non-explosives) (RQMNE) certificate if they can demonstrate evidence of:
This safe self-assessment questionnaire is designed to give you guidance and support to those who experienced or witnessed sexual harassment on a mine site.
Information to assist workers in other sectors can be found on the Health and safety topics.
Workplaces covered by the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 have a requirement to notify the regulator of reportable incidents, including sexual harassment. More information is available in the Gendered violence: Notification of sexual harassment and/or assault to Mines Safety: Information sheet.
National Safe Work Month is held annually in October to encourage employers and workers to promote positive work health and safety in the workplace and to raise awareness about topical issues.
Western Australia adopts its own theme for Safe Work Month, reflecting the health and safety priorities and matters of interest for the State. The 2024 theme was ‘Health and safety is everybody’s business’.
Reports and guidance materials including inquiries into sexual harassment that can assist in keeping workplaces free from violence, harassment, discrimination and disrespect.
This section contains accident and injury statistical reports, safety performance snapshots and activity indicators for mining and exploration.
Although some guidance material was prepared by previous departments and divisions, the content is still valid.
Mining operations are encouraged to use these self-assessment templates to review their practices and the arrangements in place to manage hazards in the workplace, secure the health and safety of workers and identify areas for improvement.
These templates were built under the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 and regulations and users will need to align their content against the relevant sections of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022.
Holders of the following mining certificates of competency issued in Western Australia under the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 or the Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Act 2020 can apply for a copy of their certificate of competency.
While a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) is responsible for making decisions regarding health and safety, they don’t always have a full understanding of the finer detail or subtleties of the work performed or the working conditions.
The WorkSafe Commissioner is the regulator under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act). The Commissioner is responsible to the Minister for Industrial Relations for the administration of the WHS Act, and any other laws relating to work health and safety administered by the Minister.
The regulator has a broad range of functions, including: