Violence and aggression

Last updated: 15 January 2024

Work-related violence and aggression is any incident where a person is threatened, attacked or physically assaulted in circumstances relating to their work.

Work-related violence and aggression covers a broad range of actions and behaviours that create a risk to health and safety of workers. These are actions or behaviours that may physically or psychologically harm another person. Examples include:

  • abusive behaviour, including insults and name-calling intimidating behaviour that creates a fear of violence, such as stalking or threatening to cause physical harm
  • any form of assault, such as biting, spitting, scratching, hitting, kicking, punching, pushing, shoving, tripping, grabbing or throwing objects.

Violence and aggression can be:

  • physical, psychological, verbal or written
  • one off or repeated incidents
  • minor behaviours through to more serious acts, including criminal offences, which require the intervention of public authorities
  • in person or can include threats by correspondence, electronic means or by social media.

Whether the violence or aggression was intended or not, or whether the perpetrator has the capacity to recognise that their actions could cause harm, does not reduce the risk of harm from the violence.

WHS duties

Everyone in the workplace has a duty to manage hazards and risks to worker physical and psychological health and safety. These duties are set out in the WHS Act. A workplace where mental health and wellbeing is a priority benefits everyone.

Manage risks

It is a requirement under the WHS legislation to manage risks to worker health and safety, including psychological health and safety. Risk management is a continual process that involves the following steps:

Responding to incidents

How PCBUs respond to incidents is a critical part of the overall prevention plan. Information from the risk management process will guide the response. There are three key areas: 

Further support 

High risk industries

Other WorkSafe publications

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