Managing the risk of falls at workplaces

Last updated: 29 November 2024

Under the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 (WHS Regulations), duty holders are required to manage the risk of falls at workplaces, as prescribed by the following regulations:

  • Regulation 78 Management of risk of fall
  • Regulations 79 Specific requirements to minimise risk of fall
  • Regulation 79A Duties of certain persons as to holes or openings in floors
  • Regulation 80 Emergency and rescue procedures

Transitional arrangements

The work health and safety laws came into effect on 31 March 2022. Transitional arrangements apply to high risk construction work and the mining industry.

Falls between levels

A PCBU must manage the risks of falls from one level to another. If it is reasonably practicable, work must be done on the ground or a solid construction. Where this is not reasonably practicable, fall hazards must be controlled through adequate risk control measures.

PCBUs must prevent falls between levels by providing:

  • a safe system of work, which includes:
    • temporary work platforms
    • information, training and instruction 
    • procedures such as work sequences, ladder use and permit systems
  • a safe way to access and exit any area that has a risk of falls 
  • a fall prevention device (e.g. a secure fence, edge protection, working platforms and covers) where reasonably practicable. If a fall prevention device is not reasonably practicable, a work positioning system must be provided. Where neither of these are reasonably practicable, a fall arrest system must be provided.

Additional hazards that apply specifically to the mining industry include:

  • uneven surfaces due to broken ground and mine workings 
  • lack of visibility underground.

A combination of controls can be used to minimise risks so far as is reasonably practicable.

Further information


Safe Work Australia
