​Zoonoses are infectious diseases that are transmitted between animals and humans. There are about 50 types of zoonoses that have been recorded in Australia. These diseases can be transmitted from healthy or ill animals, and infected animals may not appear sick.

Transmission usually occurs through bodily fluids (e.g. blood, saliva, urine) or faeces of infected animals, or through contact with other animals (e.g. cats, dogs, rodents). Contaminated items such as hay, wool, animal hair, hides and carcasses can also be a source of infection.

Those most at risk from infection by workplace zoonoses include:

  • abattoir workers
  • farm workers
  • fish workers
  • shepherds
  • shearers
  • wool sorters
  • veterinary workers
  • pelt and hide tanners
  • livestock handlers, including transport workers
  • animal laboratory workers.


Further information


Department of Health

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
